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Étiqueté : Mobilisations sociales

CASI-IFEAC Lecture series (Sept. 25, 2013, Bishkek) : Understanding patterns of the anti-mining protests. A case-study of northern Kyrgyzstan

Synopsis In Kyrgyzstan, public perceptions suggest that particularistic interests, parochial causes, and elite manipulations influence the anti-mining protests. However, on the ground the “local” memory of gold extraction, based on “real” experience of communities...

CASI-IFEAC Lecture series (May 8, 2013, Bishkek) : Ethno-political mobilization. A comparative analysis of minorities’ institutionalization in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan & Kyrgyzstan

Synopsis In the last years of the Soviet period, Central Asian republics experienced the revival of national identities of the five titular nations as well as various local ethnic minorities. This revival took different...