Post-doctorant en histoire
Affiliation : Université Nazarbaev, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.
Laboratoire d’accueil en France : CERI, Sciences Po Paris.
Projet de post-doctorat : « A comparative history of nuclear tests in Australia, France, and Kazakhstan (1947-1996) »
Publications scientifiques :
- Shelekpayev, N. (2020): The Man Who Struck the Judge with a Fly Swatter: Justice and Performance in Contemporary Kazakhstan. Accepted for printing in Slavic Review (Cambridge).
- Shelekpayev, (2020): Rethinking Transfers of Power and Public Protest in the Soviet Kazakhstan, 1959-1989. Accepted for printing in Europe-Asia Studies.
- Shelekpayev, N. (2020): Whose Master Plan? Kisho Kurokawa and ‘Capital ’Planning in Post-Soviet Astana, 1995-2000. Planning Perspectives 35 (3), 505-523.
- Shelekpayev, N.*, Chokobayeva, A.: Central Asia Between ‘Strategic Essentialisms’ of Global Symbols and ‘Tactical Essentialisms’ of Local The Russian Sociological Review 19 (3), Autumn 2020, 70-101.
- Shelekpayev, (2018): Astana as Imperial Project: Kazakhstan and its Wandering Capital City in the 20th Century. Ab Imperio 2018 (1), 157-189.
Langues parlées : russe, kazakh, anglais, français, chinois.
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