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Arafat Mamyrbekov

Post-doctorant en anthropologie, ethnologie.

Affiliation : Shakarim State University of Semey

Laboratoire d’accueil en France : Centre d’études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centrasiatiques (CETOBAC)

Projet de post-doctorat : «  Ethnic Kazakhs in France: Historical memory and issues of adaptation in the new society».


Publications scientifiques :


  • 2014, The history of German and Polish communities in Eastern Kazakhstan (20century). Pro100print, 2014, 191 p.
  • 2015, co-auteur de The history of the migration process of repatriates in East Kazakhstan (1991-2011), Shakarim State University Press, 120 p.
  • 2016, co-auteur de Social and demographic situation of residents of East Kazakhstan region (1991-2008.). Pro100print, 2016, 167 p.


  • 2004, Pan-Turkism: Past, Present and Future. “Literary and scientific heritage of B.K Kenzhebayev and current problems of education”. The collection of materials of the Republican Scientific Conference, Semey, 2004, 104-111.
  • 2005, Socio-economic condition of the German diaspora in East Kazakhstan in 1941-1945. The Center of Eurasia, Semey, 2005, 1, 92-95.
  • 2007, The history of Poles in East Kazakhstan. Bulletin of the Semipalatinsk State University, Semey,2007, 1, 131-134.
  • 2007, Contribution of the German diaspora to the socio-economic development of East Kazakhstan. The Center of Eurasia. Semey,2007. – 4(9). 97-101.
  • 2007, The cultural development of the German diaspora in East Kazakhstan after World War II. “Kazakh Diaspora: Past, Present, Future”. The collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Semey, 2007. 215-217.
  • 2010, The demographic and migratory movements of the Polish diaspora in East Kazakhstan (the second half of the twentieth century). Eurasian Center, Semey, 2010. 1(18). 87-93.
  • 2011, Peculiarities of national identity of U.S. citizens in the framework of globalization. The Center of Eurasia. Semey, 2011. 3(20) 99-113.


Langues parlées : russe, anglais, ouzbek, français, turc

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